Our Products Hydroerosive Machining
hMore than 20 years of experience and over 50% of all diesel injection nozzles worldwide are now flow-calibrated on Sonplas systems – all this speaks for Sonplas’ expertise in the field of hydroerosive machining of bore intersections. In addition, as a specialist in flow calibration (Sonplas also holds a patent in this field), deburring and rounding, Sonplas offers its customers significant added value in the form of in-house HE systems and test facilities, feasibility analyses and product tests.
Strongly positioned for years and very successful in the automotive and on/off-highway sectors, we also always have other industries in mind of course. In the future, we will therefore increasingly apply the expertise we have acquired over decades to high-volume production and development beyond the automotive sector too.
Find out more about our cross-industry HERO process for HydroEROsive machining: