Hydroerosive Machining HE-grinding machine injector body


To stabilize the flow through high-pressure injection components and to take precautions against the danger of tension cracks, intersections of bore holes are rounded by means of fluid grinding technology:
The bore hole intersections are flowed with high-pressurized abrasive fluid under constant pressure conditions.
After the grinding process the workpieces are cleaned in a flushing station and dried in an additional stations.
Fully automatic rotary table and robot loader with tray stacker.
An easy adjustment to different types of workpieces can be done by means of a convenient user interface which also provides graphic display of all process data and production results.


  • Separately selectable process steps
  • Compact concept with rotary table
  • Visualization of processes and production data
  • Control panel with touch screen display and convenient HMI

Technical data  

  • Supply pressure: 20…100 bar
  • Flow rate: 26 l/ min @ 10 bar
  • Temperature: 20…25 °C