The Production Data acquisition (SonDaSys Report) is an easy to use database tool to analyze and report your test and production
After an operation is performed all relevant result data is evaluated and stored in the SonDaSys database and is now ready for analysis.
SonDaSys report provides a set of reports that covers all needs of production analysis. Following reports are included:
- Single part report with full traceability capabilities including
- All scalar and string result values with set points and limits.
- Result curves (e. g. a pressure pulsation chart).
- Statistical analysis:
- Trend chart (displays a result over a time period)
- Distribution (displays the distribution of a result)
- X-Y correlation charts (displays correlation between two results
- Production analysis:
- summary report overview (good / scrap charts)
- Fallout report (histogram over different scrap codes)
- Misc:
- Data dump in native Microsoft Excel TM binary format
- Enumerate parts that match the selected filters
All reports may be performed using Timefilters and Filters like module, product, testplan, part error, code,…
- Fully scale able: The SonDaSys database system covers a wide range of results per time (result rate). For a low result rate the database ist located in the machine‘s control-PC, for higher rates, a standalone server system will be provided.
- Very high performance. Reports occur as fast as possible to save operator‘s time.
- With option „Archiving“ full traceability over years. Easy to export and import archived data.
- Automatic daily backup of the database.
- Fully optimized user interface for needs of process engineers.
- Series and Repeat capabilities. On Summary and Fallout charts series for station, part type,…
- Advanced zooming and analysis capabilities. Zooming into charts, get options on data points with context menu.
- Statistics on each report.