The shock absorber test bench is used to check the damping behavior of shock absorbers in series production.
The shock absorber test bench is designed as a semi-automatic machine with manual loading and automatic test procedure. The actuator driven by a linear motor operates the shock absorber with a sinusoidal curve. The test amplitude and test speed are variably adjustable. Different test points can be set during a test cycle. The measurement results are displayed on the screen in tabular and graphical form. The graphical representation of the results is done as a force-distance and force-speed diagram.
The programming of the test procedure takes place in the flexible test plan. The flexible test plan allows maximum freedom in the creation of the test sequences.
The operation of the shock absorber test bench carried out by a PC software.
- Electric drive with linear motor, measuring system with 1μm resolution
- by an automatically adjustable device and use of change
parts, the examination of different types of shock absorbers is possible - Sampling rate of the measuring signals 4kHz, bus cycle
time TwinCAT 250μs - RFID reader for Change over Parts
- flexible testplan
technical data
- force sensor: 0..30 kN
- Lower tooling clamp force 10kN
- Velocity at peak force up to 2,5 m/sec
- Test amplitudes from 0 … +/-100 mm
- El. supply: 400 V / 50 Hz
- pressure supply: > 5,5 bar
- cylce time: < 20 sec